Website Audit
Level up your business with a professional website audit
If you're a DIY website builder but are struggling to create a high performing website that moves your business forward... this is perfect for you.
one-off payment
| What's Involved?
I'll take a deep dive into your existing website to create a comprehensive evaluation report. I'll identify areas of improvement from both a design and technical aspect, as well as analysing your competitors websites to establish what they're doing well that you might be overlooking.
1. Website Evaluation Report
Page Layouts
Navigation & Structure
The report will focus on:
Branding & Design
SEO Tips
Site Performance
Competitor Analysis
We'll have a 30 minute consultation call to go over the evaluation report and to give you a chance to ask me any questions you may have about improving your website.
2. Consultation Call
At the end of the call I'll put forward an action plan that outlines the best route to implement the suggested changes.
You'll have everything you need to go and make the updates yourself, however if you would like some assistance in updating your website I'd be happy to help.
3. Action Plan

| Who's It For?
My website audit is ideal for small businesses looking to attract more clients and generate additional work through their website.
If your website...
✘ isn't generating enough leads
✘ falls short compared to your competitors
✘ isn't ranking well on Google
✘ needs updating
✘ isn't where you want it to be
✓ This is for you.